The company Annapapi Srl was born in Livorno in 1977 thanks to the idea of Rino Nannipieri and his wife Anna Papi, contributing to a period of great industrial ferment with an extraordinary entrepreneurial spirit. The duo initially worked by cutting and repacking the washed and sterilized rags they could buy from industrial laundries. Already in the cleaning sector, with great intuition, they understood growing demand for more technical and performing materials, so at the beginning of the 80s, they decided to import from the United States the first container of non-woven fabric.

The material attracted interest firstly in Tuscany and later all around Italy, thanks to the innovation brought to the market and the difficulty of finding non-woven fabric by companies. rom that moment, the company was born, named the same as the wife Anna, who became, over time, a reference point for professional cleaning thanks to the wide range of non-woven fabrics. Over time, we have gained extensive experience and expertise, not missing any technological development that has allowed us to improve the quality of the non-woven fabric, extending its application to diversified market sectors with high-precision solutions.
Today we are one of the reference companies in the national territory, with continuous growth and expansion also at an international level, happily contributing to the Made in Italy Manufacturing 4.0, which aims to the excellence of technical development with environmental sustainability values.
Our work grounds on an artisan approach, on quality care and is detail focused, while operating with openness to innovation, from a technological point of view with collaborations with the highest experts, either with a flexible approach to meet the multifaceted needs of each customer.
We have developed three production lines to place ourselves in a central position in the national market for large distributions in the industrial, coachwork, graphics, medical-hospital, aesthetics and cleaning sectors.

A primary aspect of Anna Papi is the attention to the environment and the sustainability of its production, with measures aimed at reducing its impact in terms of emissions and waste production, thanks to the internal recycling system and use of electricity from renewable sources. In this pursuit of excellence, since 2006, the company has achieved the iso9001 and iso14001 certifications, to prove its environmental commitment.
Since 1977 we ensure the quality and innovation of non-woven fabrics. We offer diversified solutions to meet the demands of various industries in the domestic and international markets.
At Annapapi Srl, we have already archived, since several years, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications; to attest to the high-quality levels of management and production on top of the commitment to sustainable and environmental development.
Company Certifications are a recognition for the design, implementation and maintenance of a management, organization and production system that complies with specific criteria with international validity.
ISO 9001
A management standard that requires an organization system according to international standards, aiming at the satisfaction of the customers.
In this way, the entire company activity certifies its quality in all its aspects, from the administrative department to the production lines, from the respect of the staff to its enhancement, with direct and indirect effects on the overall goodness of the final product.
ISO 14001
This certification attests reduction of pollution and the company’s environmental impact, thanks to parameters recognized worldwide.
Through the optimization of production processes, the usage of energy resources, zero waste and the prevention of forms of pollution, we can provide competitive products and services with attention to sustainable development.